When a new client arrives, I ask if they have brief questions about my work. My website is filled with info and testimonials but I make sure they are calm and at ease before we begin. There is no need for mysterious mumbo-jumbo.
Some ask about the Tarot. Others will will inquire about how I began. It’s not every day that a once solid, fundamentalist Christian starts an intuitive practice.
No one has asked about my degrees (M.A. English and then some), previous corporate life (too many jobs to count) or if I’m certified in Tarot (not sure what “certified” would even prove but no. I do have a mentor and 20 years of practice under my belt.)
I still have to prove myself with every session — and trust follows because I’m a normal, down-to-earth person.
So, why should people listen and trust YOU — you out of all the humans they could pick for wisdom?
There’s enough skepticism that says intuitive work — or any type of alternative healing/thinking — is b.s. That’s fine. Scratch them off the client list.
What would make others arrive to hear your wisdom — and as importantly, what would make them return and refer friends?
This is an elusive type of business. It’s not a broken water pipe and you seal it up. So why should people trust the words that come out of your mouth? Why should they pay good money to spend time with you?
Many of my clients have a natural ability to counsel others, though they hold all kinds of positions in the corporate sector and/or have raised families. They are empathetic and intuitive, filled with the wisdom that 15-20+ years provides.
Yet I often hear, Why would anyone listen to me?
Why indeed?
Gravitas lies in the face of the Crone.
In work like this — or any that requires a mentor, clients want to know you’ve LIVED. There’s no ageism in these hills. The Crone/Wise Woman is acknowledged and expected. Very few want a session with a 25 year old, no matter how gifted they are.
You already have a track record.
You have degrees and decades of experience in home life and the corporate world, filled with various personalities, great/ineffective/nightmare bosses, board meetings, firings, childcare, divorce, new positions of power.
You think that can’t be monetized?? Of course it can!
People will gladly pay to hear your wisdom, especially those starting out. This world desperately needs wise women and men to guide those at the beginning of their career — or who want to leave their jobs or marriage, start a business or hop in the RV but don’t have the courage.
Check the list at the end of the post for a dearth of areas that need wisdom holders.
Give it away for free if you’re not ready.
If you don’t have the confidence quite yet to charge, give it away for free. Write a Substack or post on the socials. Give a free Zoom talk to those in your industry. Start a website. Offer a free consult, meditation or Q&A. Share your wisdom! Build a sample garden and splash it on Instagram. Talk at churches, vocational schools, libraries or online. Your list will build and private clients will show up.
You might say: Yah, but it’s all on YouTube now. Why bother?
Some areas that need wisdom holders and can be hugely monetized.
Menopause. Enough of the shadows, ignorance and denigrating talk. Enough of the obsession with youth. It is Maiden, Mother and Crone. It’s time to embrace “the change” as the gift that it is. For those who can help women cross to the other side, there is gold waiting at the end of the rainbow.
Job transition/retirement from a well-oiled persona to . . .?
Mentorship for those 20+ entering corporate or trades.
Moving from corporate to an intuitive or artistic business.
Moving from intuitive or artistic biz to corporate.
Holding the hand of those headed into divorce — from a healed divorced person, especially those with children.
Those with elderly parents facing housing/financial/legal decisions.
Expert homeschooling parents with a proven track record.
Helping those wanting to return to the land, build a garden and become self-sufficient. You are mom/dad/grandparent wisdom more than prepper.
Have wisdom to share? Start sharing!