I closed a couple of bank accounts and received a check for .01.
What? .01!? I can’t be bothered.
I was about to tear it up, then stopped.
Respect for money, I heard. Even if it’s a cent. One cent can easily be one million.
That’s when I knew Marisa Peer’s Attract Abundance Now hypnosis video — see post below for wealth links — has helped retrain my beliefs around money. I’ve committed the next 30 days to listen to her video at least once a day and note any changes. No news, no frittering time away on social media.
Wealth affirmations only.
Does wealth hypnosis really work, Raven?
Yes. From a .01 check to a unexpected car tax exemption that saved me $250, numerous refunds, strong health, organic food with a surprise discount, a happy mindset, an excellent financial deal that saved over $6,000, dropped fees on a ABB vacation house and the largest business loan offer that Shivaya Wellness has ever received — without asking.
This was the first week.
Hypnosis works but can easily derail if you think a huge amount of cash will immediately plop into your lap. It might — in the form of .01.
Choose to retrain your mind.
Why now?
It can be difficult for healers/readers to admit a decline in business. It might be perceived as negative thinking, nor do we want to show that we struggle, especially after years of bumpy success. We’re human, after all — with egos, fears and personal beliefs around money.
Yet after reading many entrepreneurs in the first two quarters of 2023, I can affirm that we are all going through a decline in business. It’s not just me or you — and if you are the rare entrepreneur on the upswing, great. Keep going. It helps all of us!
I’ll be the first to admit — though I never would have done this earlier because I was proud — that 2023 has been slower than the previous three. There were boom years during Covid, like those who made bank on houses/loan rates, etc.
Yet the Wheel of Fortune will always turn, so it’s having the grace to say, Okay, I’ll be fine. I’ll get through this.
Such is life, though it can be enormously stressful. Every business over 5 years will have boom and plateau/decline. However, this seems bigger. I have my theories as to why — but don’t spend precious energy figuring out the answer at this point in evolution. I don’t think any of us really know.
It can be as simple as fat/lean — but I think it’s bigger than that.
That being said, many healers/readers are quickly being vetted out of the industry and others will level up. The stalwarts will stay and take advantage of the opportunity to create/recreate aspects of business — or retire.
The continual question: What do you REALLY want?
At the beginning of 2023, I decided to raise rates on two offerings in the 2nd quarter. Was it the perfect time? If I based it on the external “story” swirling around in 2023, no.
It was perfect because I deserve it and won’t let fear crowd my mind. Only your thoughts can cause you pain, says The Course in Miracles.
My clients continue to book sessions.
Things will change, decline will turn to increase and what we do with our energy right now will be the key that turns the lock of abundance.
The wisdom that comes from 20 years of traction with clients, slow times and earlier years of a much lighter bank account are what nourish me now. Wisdom and Nature, who asks for nothing in return except love and appreciation.
Breath is free. The morning symphony from the brown thrasher is free. The blue swallowtail fluttering around the staghorn sumac is free. The smiles and jokes at the sheriff’s office were free (registration wasn’t — gotta work on that.)
I’ll be gone soon. I won’t miss a minute of this gift.

What else can I do to bring in money, if I’m not into hypno mumbo-jumbo?
Give to a food pantry or blessing box. Do it every week. Load up a box from your pantry or survival supplies — and include the BEST stuff. Those boxes of pasta and tomato sauce can be life-changing to a tired, single mom with four kids and empty shelves. Many are in desperate, dark times now.
Give clothes/shoes/furniture/electronics to a thrift store. Stop hoarding crap and give it to someone who needs it. Do this every month.
Pick up every coin you see — even if it’s dirty. Say thank you. Clean it, save it or drop it in a coin box for charity.
Offer consistent discounts in your business. 3 packs. Flash sales. Special discount codes. It’s one of the secrets of my success.
Find out what’s on your school, church, after-school program Amazon wishlist and fulfill some/all of the items. Give anonymously.
Say thank you to every bit of money that comes your way. You are always grateful — for food, clean water, breath, health, fed and safe kids.
Drop extra coins/dollars that you can afford into local cans for animals/volunteer programs, etc.
Tip at least 20-25% if you can afford it — everywhere.
Give extra bucks to someone who helps you, even in a small way — like carrying your groceries or helping fix your tire. Even if it’s a couple of bucks.
Send money to your favorite charities, even if it’s $5.
Do this — and watch money flow back to you.