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Throughout my career, I’ve spoken ad nauseam about unscrupulous Tarot readers and psychics. These are people who seem genuine, even a bit magical, in their promises and assertions. There are millions of online healers/readers/psychics, many who spew airy-fairy nonsense.
Why do I care to even mention these folks? They make us in the biz look bad, so why not ignore them and hope they go away? I’m grateful to have a successful practice with a fabulous client list, so I could shrug and say, Well, that’s them — not me.
I care because I understand.
I know what it’s like to other and be othered, to mistreat and be mistreated, to use and be used — way before revealing myself as an intuitive to the world.
The psychics/healers/intuitives who are on my roster are amazing people. Some are in the spotlight, while most prefer a normal life with their families. They’re not about the fame, success and stress a public face and huge waitlist can bring.
Yet we are all aware of unscrupulous psychics and healers. Every industry has them. In this biz, they give credence to the societal and religious notions that we are frauds and charlatans, out to get money and hurt others.
So why do people continue to book these unscrupulous readers?
My guess is that they don’t know any better and it’s not their fault. Maybe it’s a past life thing. We’ll never know what a particular soul wishes to experience. On the other hand, they may desire the spooky mystery, since that signals street cred. A certain level of poof because they can read.your.mind. Add a drunken night on the town and just for a little bit of fun, yah know?
We’ve been taught what a Tarot reader or witch should look like since childhood, unless your parent was gifted and taught skills (lucky you).
Dark, spooky, muumuu, knobby fingers, turban, ugly crone who steals children in fairy tales come to mind? Nah, we’re not past that in 2023. We’re not so modern. Don’t believe me? What are the common misconceptions about menopause/Crone? How long ago did they burn witches in America? Or simply peek at the “psychic” photos on Unsplash. Crystal ball, jingling curtains, cigarette smoke. Neon signs, hand in window, a winking eye and predictions you’ll die a tragic death or were Queen Victoria (you weren’t).

A normal reader is hard to locate behind all that dry ice.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of an unscrupulous psychic when faced with a trauma such as divorce/death/diagnosis/job/empty nest/personal confusion. You’re probably not thinking with a clear head; panicked and rushed,! If you’re newbie, you may be dazzled from videos and testimonials alone. Or think a very high cost for a session (whatever that # is to you) means they’re amazing.
Anyone can say anything. Make up testimonials. Pad Amazon reviews. Hire actors. Pretend they know the answers to your issues.
Be very, very careful. Protect yourself.
Am I paranoid? Maybe a little — but I’ve been around the block or two with my own share of charlatans.
Sometimes you gotta go through the charlatans to get to the gold — which is trusting yourself.
If you can’t trust yourself and need someone to tell you what to do, don’t waste your money on a psychic. Book a therapy or kickboxing session instead.
Do you need a Tarot reader? No.
When I was a baby reader, I thought many psychics — especially the strong, powerful personas — who said they were a channel had special access to the Divine. Anyone who says they have that kind access to the Divine . . . probably doesn’t — or is a reminder that I/you have just as much access to knowledge as them.
It might surprise you — but I read clients in the “biz” who do not trust readers. Like me, they are highly selective as to who gets access to their energy.
Before I get into tips, here are a few MAY WANT TO AVOID scenarios. Do whatcha want but Mama Raven has your back.
Agree to a session or healing — even if it’s free — from a drunk friend/stranger at a party, date or social situation. Do not ever put your energy on the line for someone who is not in control. Words remain long after the hangover is gone.
That includes NEVER having a read from a psychic who is drunk, tipsy or high.
Offer a paid service like Tarot until you have a trustworthy mentor(s) and hundreds of hours of free sessions, including those with your mentor.
Start an intuitive business if your personal life is a wreck. I say this with love but do us all a favor and heal yourself before offering your services to the world.
Ever stay in a situation — especially in a room alone with a reader — if anything feels off or creepy. Do not sit there and be “polite". End it — and get out!
Cast spells or do rituals/incantations because it looks cools, you suddenly think you’re a witch or a video says you can do it easypeasy at home. You need a mentor/wise woman to oversee. Otherwise, you might call in something that is way too powerful for your curiousity. Don’t mess with what you don’t know.
Watch endless TT or YT videos of people who give predictions, reads or channel messages. I’m not saying they aren’t real or ethical — only you can feel that out — but I’d put just as much time in developing your own abilities and spirituality. That includes healing past trauma and learning to love and trust yourself — which includes dealing with family members, strangers, constant psyops, religious guilt or staying home from the store when you feel a hesitation.
When you implicitly trust yourself in EVERY scenario and watch for signs that come to you, there will be no need to get readings, even from someone normal like me.
Have I’ve thoroughly dissuaded you? I merely suggest that you proceed with extreme caution. This is not a ploy for your business, as my client list is now closed.
So, how to weed out ethical from those who want to manipulate and control you? This applies to all areas of life. Here are 7 suggestions:
Do your homework. Get to know this person. Read testimonials. Yes, they could be fake — but you have other methods beyond testimonials. Look at their picture. What do you feel? Read their blog and entire website. If they don’t have one, ask friends if they use them. How many years have they been in the biz? Ask questions about their method before committing to a session. What do you feel? Send an email to vibe them out. Do they answer promptly? Are they normal and friendly? What do you feel? If they spew mysterious woo speak, run away. If anything feels off, don’t book a session, even if they offer a free consult. Even if you’re in the depth of a session but you feel weird, scared or something in you screams NO, stop the reading, say you’re not feeling it and hang up. They work for you!
Avoid anyone who says you’re under a curse/karma/sick and must return. That is a total fear tactic. Tell them to go where the sun don’t shine — and don’t go back. Ever! They do not have any answers for you. They cannot read your mind. If you’re fearful about what you heard in the session, remind yourself that you are a sovereign being and NO ONE has power over you — unless you hand it to them.
Check in with how you feel before/during/after. Being challenged by direct statements is one thing; if you feel that they shame/accuse you or fill up the session with b.s., it is abusive. Ideally, a session should offer hope and strength, even if parts are difficult to hear. What do you feel? We often don’t want to see things about ourselves — but nothing should be thrown in your face to make you feel small. A great session should be a mix of challenge and positive energy — and always done with love and sensitivity. You should go away from a session with something to ponder. It doesn’t mean you have to go back, even if it’s great!
They may be liars who tell you beautiful fantasies to make you feel good. Anything to make you come back with that cash money! As the Bible says, Test the spirits. Does anything they say come true? If they knew something about something when you were 15, so what? Does it improve your character? How do you feel? Does their advice help you grow stronger so that you actually WON’T need them? Great readers empower you so that you don’t need them; unscrupulous ones attempt to convince you that you can’t live without their “wisdom”. Always go back to: HOW DO I FEEL?
There is no reason to return every day/week. Let the read play out. See how you feel after a few days. Reads can become a drug or a crutch — but that’s an addiction that no ethical reader would foster. It’s lazy growth that ends up biting you in the ass. I tell clients to wait at least a month before re-scheduling and have no problem dropping them if they get needy. I have no interest in being a guru, walking Magic 8 ball or psychic crutch. No thanks!
NEVER talk yourself out of how you feel. This applies to ALL areas of life. Even if they say the most perfect words. Even if they promise you the moon is made of cheese or assure you that 2+2 = 7 if only you open your mind. What do you feel? Even if they seem normal and regular. If you are creeped out, feel off, abused, pressured or something doesn’t sit right — or their read was off the wall and had no relevance to your life — beware!! How do you feel? Ask yourself if you really need a reader because chances are, you don’t. You need you.
No matter how friendly they are, they are not your friend. They are a business. A guide you hire for a set amount of time. They work for YOU. Drop them even if you bought a package. Get a refund if you aren’t happy. How do you feel? Women are taught to not hurt anyone’s feelings — but learn to say NO and get your money back. No true reader would hesitate to refund, especially in the age of social media — but mainly because they want you to be happy with the experience.
Normal, ethical readers are helpful guides who offer suggestions and friendly advice. We’re not perfect but imperfectly human, just like you. True, ethical sessions are done from the heart. It’s LOVE, baby! (sometimes tough love from me!) — but love all the same.
I want the best for you. Any ethical, loving reader would want the same.