Years ago, this post would have been as unlikely as walking down the aisle with a man. I still don’t want to date or marry a man — but as I’ve matured in this life, my appreciation of men has grown.
The brilliant and controversial Camille Paglia helped me reflect further on the sacrifice of men.
Men have sacrificed and crippled themselves physically and emotionally to feed, house, and protect women and children. None of their pain or achievement is registered in feminist rhetoric, which portrays men as oppressive and callous exploiters. ―Camille Paglia
Now, I’ve had my issues with men, starting with a mentally ill father who belittled and threatened, sexist religious leaders on a power trip and overall asinine behavior from men. I’ve also had to learn what it means to walk safely through the world as a woman. Many friends have been abused or raped by men. We’ve all endured harassment, threats, unwelcome advances and putdowns. You can read my earlier Substack posts and books where I discuss that struggle.
I did not want to read men in the early years of my business.
To be quite honest, I didn’t want to do intuitive sessions for men in the early years of my business for all of the above reasons. I pictured them as arrogant and domineering and after years in the church, my subconscious mind believed they wouldn’t listen to me — but only question and denounce, as I learned early in childhood that since I was born a woman, I wasn’t allowed to speak or teach in church, thanks to Eve.
So, I energetically blocked men as a reader until I healed enough to receive them. Once they started to arrive, I was still nervous and on defense. I expected them to come onto me or make inappropriate comments — which a few did — and that showed I still had more healing to do of my inner masculine/feminine and acceptance of my power.
Once I stood up to my father, everything changed.
I’ve had my rows and arguments with my father, who I view as a weak and insecure man who parades as a religious bully. For a long time, I was fearful of his reactions and instant disapproval. Yet strong little girls grow up to be strong women and his day of reckoning arrived. Actually quite a few days of reckoning where I held up a huge mirror and said, Take a look.
He did — and my guess is that he didn’t like what he saw. Since that time, he doesn’t dare step foot across my energetic field — and if he tries, he remembers why that isn’t the best choice as that mirror of truth appears once more.
I was always stronger than him. I just forgot along the way.
My male Tarot clients helped heal my earlier view of men.
As men started to arrive for intuitive sessions over the years, I listened and began to understand their struggle. I heard pain, confusion and sorrow — and a deep feeling of being misunderstood by women or gay partners. I heard their guilt, anger and issues with other men, including their fathers. I didn’t get that they felt like they were born with a golden ticket but held various fears, addictions, sexual abuse and other childhood wounds that prevented them from loving themselves.
I began to have great empathy after hearing their stories. None of us go through this world without being forged by something.
So . . . thank you, men.
Thank you to the friendly UPS guys who make my life so much easier.
Thank you to the propane guy who keeps my house warm.
Thank you to the roofers, mowers, road graders and the HVAC dude who happily talks about conspiracy theories as he installs my dishwasher at 7pm after a long day of work.
Thank you to the tire guy who comes out of the shop on a cold day to see if I need my tires filled.
Thank you to the sanitation and septic guys, janitors and recycle drivers who make this earth cleaner.
Thank you to the mechanics who keep my car in great shape.
Thank you to the tow guy who came out to my house on a freezing night and fixed a nothing issue so I didn’t need it brought to the shop. I said, What would the world be like without guys like you? We’d freak out!
Thank you to the chimney sweepers and gas stove guys who keep my house from blowing up or burning down.
Thank you to the men who toil in 95 degree heat to pave and paint highways that are a smooth drive and get me home.
Thank you to the plow guys who keep me safe on icy mountain roads.
Thank you to the men who jump out of their vehicles to remove trees and huge rocks that have fallen onto the road.
Thank you to the men who took the milk jar off the baby raccoon.
Thank you to the truckers who bring food and supplies to keep me from starving or having to go to the grocery store (super good karma for that!!)
Thank you to the men who tear down unsightly buildings and build beautiful new ones.
Thank you to the cops, firefighters, EMS, soldiers and heroic men who keep me safe, especially firefighters and rangers who put out the forest fires WAY too close to my house this year.
Thank you to the guys who installed itchy insulation in my basement on a hot day.
Thank you to my fabulous hair stylist — of course!
And thank you to my wonderful male clients. You’ve helped me more than you can imagine.
Most beautiful article! What’s weird is that in my job, I care nothing about talking to the men, unless it’s a fellow professional on some level. Yet when it comes to doing tarot readings, I love doing them for men. Not sure why, but I wish more men would get them.