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🔲 Am I booking a session to grow — or bitch and dump on someone?
If the latter, please pass on booking a session with anyone, call a qualified therapist or take boxing lessons.
🔲 Am I seeking to prove my reader wrong?
If so, please keep your money and buy a new pair of shoes. No ethical reader will read for you.
🔲 Do I need specific predictions to gain direction?
No reader — no one — will tell you exactly which steps to take for perfect life. Some will try — in true goodness or just to take your money –- but no one can write your script. Nor should they. If you are muddled, clear it up as much as possible before going to a reader. Otherwise, you might get someone as confused as you.
🔲 Have I done my homework on this person?
🔲 Do I actually understand how psychic abilities work?
🔲 Am I afraid / fearful / desperate?
Again, get grounded and call a qualified therapist, pastor or other help. Readers are paid guides. Take it or leave it advice. Don’t confuse us with doctors or therapists.
🔲 Do I want to understand myself more? Yes.
Great. Book a session with an ethical reader.
🔲 Do I need to book a session daily or weekly?
Nope. That’s called a psychic crutch or plain old addiction.
🔲 Can I read my own cards / oracle decks / use a pendulum?
Sure – but it takes practice and people are lazy, think they don’t have abilities or want someone else to do it for them. That’s like wanting a clean window and using an oily rag.