When I’m in session with clients, there is a tuning fork inside or beyond that listens to their words. When something is off — even by a slight margin, I can feel it. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re lying to me or themselves. It means that we need to peer closer at the situation and reframe.
Our lives can often feel like a puzzle; that why our souls delight in being a physical form. Some days, delight can be a bit of a stretch — but souls remember that they are eternal.
That off feeling is one way I know where to concentrate in session, even if different topics are laid out to discuss. There are always common, universal threads.
One is: trust.
What if I make a mistake? What if I make the wrong choice? Maybe it’s too early for this decision — but I don’t want to wait too long, either! What if I fail? What if it’s so successful, I can’t handle it? I like them so much — but what if it doesn’t work out? What if I run out of money after I get divorced? Or I’m too old for the workforce?
Another is: who will want me after this life-altering decision (which they desperately want)?
I never thought I’d be divorced — can’t believe I wasted all of those years with my ex. I haven’t been single since my 20s. I don’t even know what to do! What if I walk away from my business or this friendship? What if I leave it all behind and start over fresh? What if I start a business and it fails? What if I retire early, even if it cuts into my benefits? What if I start writing my book and don’t finish? What if it doesn’t get published? What if?
What if, indeed.
A session helps my client remember their inherent gifts — available in all of us — which are focus, determination and loving ourselves.
A parent or authority figure may have metaphorically or literally beat down our innate trust with relentless criticism. Maybe that was reflected in your marriage. Maybe it’s being passed down to the next generation right now.
However, that does not excuse our ability to view the past for what it is — a memory — and move beyond weak-willed, selfish people who tried to control us, rather than become them.
It’s easy to imitate. Harder to ideate.
If you’re reading this, you clearly have the will and desire to live. Your story is just that — yours. It belongs to no one but you. Available for a reframe 24/7.
People have asked over the years how to connect with their intuition and really learn how to listen to their guides, Higher Self, angels, God, etc. This can stem from a desire to protect themselves from harm and not make a mistake.
They think it’s something to learn. A class. A book. A meditation.
The fastest way to a sharp intuition is loving yourself — truly appreciating YOU. Everything you’ve gone through. All of your beauty and goodness. Liking who you are as a person.
Can you hang out with yourself for a day or hour alone? What are the words you speak when you “mess up”? What do you say/think when you look at your ass or stomach? How do you feel after you eat a big piece of cake? Do you do something nice for yourself every day?
It’s not science, drugs or magical practices. It’s love for ourselves; a true delight in our being.
You will be hurt, the more sensitive you are. You will make mistakes, but they are also available for a reframe. Your words — how you write your story every time you think and speak — matter.
You can worry about the evil eye and coat yourself in talismans — or practice loving yourself. What are we protecting ourselves from, anyway?
Don’t want to be screwed? When you radiate love for yourself, people who try to lie or manipulate will run away. Deals and contracts and relationships that wouldn’t be in your best interest cannot enter. People who play with your heart, take you for granted or give empty promises will fade away, unable to look at themselves in the mirror you project back at them — clear and true.
You will draw to yourself love in the form of friends, advocates and those who have your back, including “strangers”.
Most of all, you become all of that to yourself. All we have is ourselves.
Don’t want to make a mistake? Reframe.