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There’s nothing like releasing a new book. I’m a mixture of pride and a little nervousness — but so, so happy!
Come celebrate with me by downloading I Was Once A Person — which is now live on Amazon. You’ll love my story if you’re interested in the afterlife, NDEs, a mysterious death or possible murder?, consciousness, concepts of heaven / hell / purgatory and underworld myths, Dante’s The Divine Comedy and Sartre’s No Exit . My story of Alexandra Bellenridge — famous motivational author/speaker — is set in present time with lots of absurdities and plenty of ridiculousness, just like “real life”.
What is reality, anyway?
You’ll especially love I Was Once A Person if you’ve craved a well-written novel with two main characters who are lesbians — Xandra and Beatrix — and have a whole bunch of unresolved history and of course, five paragraph texts and endless processing. There’s a reason they meet at THE RIVER OF RESENTMENT.
Good times. :) Grab a warm drink and settle in.
I hope you love — no, adore — Xandra as much as I do.
Can't wait to read this! Congratulations, Raven!