My greatest secret to success is → building a business around impulsive humans.
That’s why I didn’t drag this out paragraph by paragraph until the end. You wanted the answer now, so I gave it.
If you can harness the impulsive nature of humans — I want it now now now — you will find great success.
You are the Jiffy Lube of Tarot readers. You are the ice cream shop healer that everyone wants. You are the burger joint acupuncturist that everyone needs.
Open, available and at a price point that reflects your worth and years of experience.
A little personal background first.
Being a Tarot reader was as unlikely as me being a mezzo soprano in the Metropolitan Opera — and the basis of the name The Reluctant Tarot Reader. The vision of my life once included marriage to a man, overseas missions and an English professor/writer. Some — not all — of those came to pass in unique ways. Not once did I wake up during my fundamentalist Christian era and say, Someday I’m going to use my intuitive abilities to grow a business around one-on-one sessions with clients.
But here I am, 20 years later — with that very life. I work as an intuitive and it is my main source of income. I was able to go full-time about 8 years ago — after grinding for over a decade with part-time jobs — and rely on Shivaya Wellness to pay the bills.
So yes, I am a real Tarot reader with a strong, ever-evolving business.
What’s changed is that my calendar is closed to new clients. I only read past/current clients or those referred — another sweet aspect of success.
Back to impulsivity and success. It’s simple!
Be open for same day sessions. Not all readers can/want to do this — but it works for my impulsive nature. When clients want a session, they want it NOW. If you’re not open, they’ll take their money somewhere else.
Write SIMPLE, brief sentences on your website. As a prospective client like myself who is involved in this world, I can’t stand opaque language — or as a friend once said, New Age horseshit. Tell me WHO YOU ARE and HOW YOU’LL HELP ME in the simplest, fastest way possible and be available. No matter how good you might be, I won’t wait two weeks!
Build an online calendar with as many open hours as possible. Don’t pad your calendar to “look busy”. I’m open from 9:15-3:30pm most days. That means I can: make bread, work in the garden, read a book, sit on my deck and write this Substack, as long as I can hear the calendar ding.
Offer steady and flash discounts. This may seem counterintuitive to a struggling biz but sales are a fast way to acquire clients and build loyalty. Everyone loves a discount. When times are slow — as they have been in early 2023— be creative. Offer flash discounts. Lower your book prices on Amazon. I just created a monthly 4 pack of discounted 15/30 minute sessions — and had 3 sales within the hour. It’s a great way to raise quick capital and since they expire within 30 days, you’re not waiting for pre-buy to finally book months later. Plenty of clients will still book regular sessions if you have a big enough list.
Use an online calendar like Acuity. Make it simple, easy and idiot-proof for clients. It’s less back and forth and gives them more autonomy.
Always answer emails within 12-24 hours. Be real, genuine and positive.
Now — onto the money, honey.

About a month ago, I stopped reading all social media, news and videos that were not wealth affirmations or hypnosis. There was a moment awhile back that I received a clear, inward message while standing in my kitchen that said, If you keep yourself here in this vibration (meaning, all the fake-ass stories of this world), you will never ascend.
It wasn’t a demand or judgment — just a clear knowing that all of the negativity, even if it was Ooh, I know what’s REALLY going on in this b.s. story kept my illumination and evolution in a state of . . . pause. That included spiritual talks that brought up fear or arrogance. I had a lot of time on my hands when business was slow and frittered much of it away on Twitter and other useless drains to my energy, even though I deleted all accounts years ago. I still hopped on and read endless — but funny — opinions of strangers. Anything to keep the fear of slow times at bay.
So, I cut off all social media and now listen to wealth affirmations instead. It has made such a difference!
There’s a reason Marisa Peer’s “Money is Beautiful” video is at 117k in 3 weeks. Half of those views are mine. This is a powerful hypnosis!
I’ve listened to Marisa’s video for about two weeks. Sometimes I’m on my Shakti mat with eyes shut; other times, I vacuum or play it in the background. Most of the script I can recite from heart and that’s the point: retrain my subconscious mind to believe these words.
Her video is especially powerful for anyone drenched in church indoctrination. Imagine the power of verses such as “The love of money is the root of evil”, “The heart is deceitful above all things” to a little child’s mind!
Gotta work out those weeds. Uproot and discard — or nothing will change. Affirmations will bounce off, useless. That’s why I love hypnosis because it is training my mind in new beliefs and I’ve committed a month to see what changes.
It already has, as I wrote about my first week in this Substack post.
Now that I’ve finished the second week, here’s how things have improved.
I repeat “I am worthy. I am enough” all day long. I am enough is on both computer screens. I also remember to say, “I insist upon tremendous wealth. I require massive riches. I insist upon incredible wealth. I require amazing amounts of money. I’m grateful. I love being rich. I love sharing with others. I’m grateful. My books sell millions of copies around the world and they are international bestsellers.”
Business shot up in the second week and I doubled my income for June, so far. After going through a difficult 1st quarter, it is such a relief! The flash discount packs helped and I’m grateful to my entrepreneur clients who provide inspiration for these deals.
My confidence levels have reached new highs. I feel incredibly powerful — yet relaxed about things. Health is strong and sleep is great. Life only gets better.
I’m excited for the near future — and will visit a new state next week to start the process of a move. There was a time I was so fearful about money in the early days of Shivaya Wellness that I’d be terrified of what it would cost. Now I surge forward, confident I’ve found my home and wonderful new friends.
I’ve received beautiful emails from clients and readers of my books who say that my words have changed their life. Money is lovely — but that is worth more to me than gold.