If people don't like your inquisitive nature, cut them out of your life.
Never shut down your greatest power.
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Why do you ask me so many questions? asked a former neurotic entrepreneur for whom I worked in college. You know too much. It makes me uncomfortable.
Looking back, I’ll blame her pregnancy hormones — but at the time, her words caused me to feel ashamed of my inquisitive nature. This Raven right now would never tolerate such abuse — but that was then. Can’t blame my younger self for the strength she didn’t have yet.
Why do you ask so many questions? a girlfriend once asked.
Because I’m curious, I answered. You should be more concerned when I don’t ask you questions.
Why do you always make waves after church? yelled my father when I asked the pastor if they had an AIDS ministry (it was the 90s and NO was the answer)
I spent way too many years trying to get the wrong kind of people to like me.
I was born asking, Why? Why am I here? This again? What’s this all about now? Regardless, I arrived with an inquisitive nature that has granted me the greatest gifts, unfurled at various points on my journey.
The gift of an incredible intuition and a successful business. The gift of an amazing mind. The gift of a curious nature that translates into beautiful writing. The gift of focused attention on the words and emotions of others. The gift of remembrance and recall (sometimes a curse but . . . I still utilize it.)
You of the curious natures also have amazing gifts, hidden in your questioning of life.
If people don’t like your curiosity or feel threatened, cut them out of your life. They should be honored — out of 8 billion people — that you care enough to ask.
You don’t need to figure out why someone doesn’t like you because you want to know more about them. Many immature parents can be this way. Many partners and friends. They don’t like your interest or feel small in themselves. Your questions bring up things that perhaps they don’t want to see; dreams they’ve laid aside.
Your curious nature shines a light.
That said, you certainly don’t need to be told that You ask too many questions, stop being annoying, I told you already, don’t have time for this. Somewhere along the way, they lost the spark, the curiosity needed to survive this video game called Earth and they will only drag you down. Kill your light. Steal your energy and make you as empty as them.
Their why has turned to should.
Avoid people like this.
If I had listened to the shaming, I’d never be the person I am today.
I’m a strong personality but have the balance of a curious nature that seeks to understand humans through their stories. I never WILL understand humans — but it’s a worthy goal. Even when I was a shy, insecure teenager, I was constantly told that I was a leader from strangers, coaches and older people. Not my family, of course. I didn’t understand and certainly didn’t believe their vision of me. I made myself small to avoid my father’s anger or not tread on the fragile egos of men who couldn’t tolerate a smart woman.
As I became more confident in myself, I was told You’re too strong, not strong enough, too soft, too hard, too smart, too domineering, too quick, rebellious, mouthy, bitchy.
There were plenty of people who wanted to mold me into their image. Not God’s. Theirs. I often advise parents of Air and Fire signs to be careful of teachers, strangers and authority figures around their children because many of them will seek to crush their young, curious natures (Air) and impulsive, assertive personalities (Fire signs — good luck with that!) Air signs are generally highly strung, nervous creatures who need something to ponder. Conversations, a good book, new horizons. Yoga and meditation are made for Air signs. They are the questioners of the bunch because they seek to understand themselves through the stories of others. Fire needs physical activity to work out their creative frustration — otherwise, they’ll just descend into rage, turning it against themselves or anyone nearby. Fire signs will NEVER be dominated. I love Fire signs! They always make me laugh when they pretend they can play well in the sandbox.
Fortunately, I had enough people who said, What do you think? What’s your take on this? I’d love to hear. I learned that people actually wanted to listen, rather than instruct when I asked questions and they cared enough to give thoughtful answers, including adults when I was a precocious child. Not the people who said, You know, you really are annoying with all of those questions. Stop asking. It’s not important. Just do your work. Be a good girl. Be silent. All your questions will just cause you trouble. Get good grades. Get a job. A husband. Stop asking.
Well, thank God for the gift of my rebellious nature!
My HVAC guy loves my curiosity. Tip: make sure you knew them in a happy past/parallel life.
I don’t love having any contractor interrupt my day but as smart as I am, I don’t know the inside and outs of a leaky water system, HVAC, gas fireplace, dishwasher, etc. Thank God for good men who show up on a Saturday afternoon.
Anyway, I’m always happy to see my contractor because I know that he will give me yet another nugget of valuable information I can apply to future homes — and he is more than happy to share. Like today. I said, Explain water pressure to me. Why does it drip there, even after I turned off the tap. What’s up with PVC and that joint? Why does it leak there? I’m fascinated over how things work in the modern world because it really is miraculous to see the genius minds that have created such conveniences — and respect people who work these systems with ease. I remember taking apart my janky carburetor on my first little Honda 350 and filled up my apartment with the smell of gas as I laid each tiny piece aside, following a paper manual (pre-YT). Fortunately, my apartment didn’t blow up in the process.
In my downtime, you can often find me watching YT car guys break apart an engine and put it back together again ala a mechanical Bob Ross. Very relaxing. As for my contractor, I never feel like he talks down or brushes me off, nor do I treat him like the help — and I’ve learned so much about the outdoor HVAC system, how to hook up a dishwasher and even though I can turn on YT, it’s always good to see my old past life friend again — and yes, I asked my pendulum about our connection. I can tell from the comfort level I have around him, which is highly unusual because I don’t like strangers in my house. I don’t like anyone in my house who isn’t the right energy, so I’ll make sure to always call in a very strong connection with any contractor. The pleasant, helpful and trusting past/parallel connection, of course.
Never stop asking questions. Never lose your sense of curiosity.
It keeps your brain fresh, your body young and happy, plus makes you a very interesting personality. Don’t be like the walking dead who have lost their spark. Stay away from the zombies who want to eat your soul. Avoid the raging masses. When you keep asking questions, you’ll be remembered for the fascinating creature that you are. They’ll say, I wonder whatever happened to that person? They were so interesting and I loved to tell them my stories. I loved their questions. So rare. So thoughtful. I loved what they had to say. I still remember our conversations. I still remember them.