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I tend to practice with the “tools” of the telepathic trade (Tarot, pendulum) rather than pluck things out of the air — but a pendulum can prove a frustrating instrument if only used as a mechanism to suss out the motivation of others. Why? The squirrelly nature of humans, not to mention our free will as sovereign beings.
When you stay focused on your own life with simple Yes/No questions, the more satisfying the results.
My pendulum is used for many things: vitamins/tinctures to take each day, food allergies, the amount of daily clients. I use it for healing with light and balancing wonky energy. Pendulums are also great for location-based moves, contracts, whether to trust someone and questions that span mundane items like what car I’ll buy next to relationships yet to arrive, etc. Some use it for locating earth-based materials like water/minerals.
The more we can know ourselves, the richer — and more fun — our experience here.
The other day, I asked my mentor if she wanted me to ask my pendulum about a particular question. She agreed and said, You really have a powerful thing there with that pendulum.
It was quite the compliment — but I realize that my pendulum is metal and stone, just as Tarot decks are 78 pieces of paper. Everything holds a type of energy — but my power chooses them to help crystalize my abilities.
I’ve practiced tens of thousands of hours and will never stop doing so.
You may have found that using a pendulum has deepened trust in your own psychic abilities. That’s great! One of the most exciting ways I use my pendulum is to discover the connections with strangers who share a particular resonance, whether “positive” or “negative”. I write those words in quotations, as everything is valuable experience for growth. For example, I loved my former UPS guy. I didn’t know his name but from the moment we met, I felt a pull. He was a sweetheart and always did extra things for me. I felt joy when he stopped by (if I was 25 and straight, it’d have been a different type of joy) and when we said goodbye for the last time, I felt a twinge, so I asked my pendulum, “Have I known him in another life?” (Yes). “Many years ago?” (Yes). “Hundreds?” (No). “Thousands?” (Yes) “Family?” (Yes) “My son?” (No) “Was I his mom?” (No). “Were we together more than 2 lifetimes?” (No.) “Were we close as father (me) / daughter (him)? (Yes)
Only use your pendulum and magical tools for good, NEVER harm — or it will boomerang back on you and your lineage.
Were they the correct answers when it comes to past lives? Who knows? Can’t fact check, yet my pendulum could have said NO to my questions and yet . . . who said yes? I choose to believe that a higher wisdom is accessed beyond the life of Raven.
Why ask? Because nothing is arbitrary in my life.
I remember a reader long ago stating that almost everyone I’ll meet in this life will be a reunion of sorts — and some I’ll love and some will be Ugh. See ya. Don’t come back!
Fortunately, this was a sweet reconnect through brief chats over UPS packages. I sent him lots of love so that he realizes his dreams, like any good parent would do.
If you feel fear, do NOT use a pendulum or Tarot deck until you can trust your inner wisdom.
Remember the pendulum channels YOU, not some outside force. That you is not just “your name” in this life but a much larger essence that has existed for a long time and has accrued much wisdom, whether angel or asshole (yes, you were both.)
Here are a few suggestions to begin with a pendulum.
Hire a mentor or take a class with an experienced teacher if you feel uncertain about using a pendulum or Tarot. It’s always beneficial to learn from those wiser than ourselves.
You must be relaxed and grounded. No wacky, fearful or intense energy — otherwise, answers will be all over the place. Imagine a white chord that connects to Nature/Earth and a light or chord that connects to the spiritual realm beyond this world. If you prefer, imagine light that surrounds your body or say a prayer. Sounds crazy? You are reading a Substack written by a Tarot reader who uses a pendulum, after all. Loosen judgment and skepticism.
Pray for wisdom and guidance. Use whatever term/name you wish to use. I like to say, Wisdom, show me what I need to know.
Hold your pendulum, necklace or stone on a chain in your palm. Feel your energy surround it and again, keep emotions curious and open.
Ask your pendulum to show what a YES or NO looks like. My Yes is a vertical line up and down — NO is horizontal. Yours may be different. I don’t play with maybes or I don’t knows. Master your Yes/No before asking any questions.
Try to “lie” to yourself. Say, Is my name Tom? Was I born in 1901? Do I like pickles? That will show whether your Yes/No is on point.
Ask SIMPLE yes/no questions that connect to your life. Am I going to get that job? Finish writing my book? Do I need to more meditation / exercise / relaxation? Is this business deal / relationship in my best interest? Will I enjoy living in that town? Is it time for me to move on?
If you can’t accept either answer to your question — YES or NO — don’t bother asking until you are in a state of acceptance. You must have emotional balance to accept whatever your wisdom reveals.
When you ask a question and it reveals itself to be correct, that will increase your confidence. There is nothing special about being psychic / telepathic. It is our natural state. You just need to remember!
You will ask — and yes, your answers will sometimes be wrong. Psychic abilities are all about practice. It’s not a popular POV, but you don’t immediately master a Tarot deck, pendulum or violin without years of practice. It’s not like Hilary Hahn — child prodigy and master violinist — ever stops practicing.
If you become frustrated or throw away your pendulum, then you’ll need more time to grow in your spiritual life (love for yourself and acceptance of your power) before using the tools of the trade.
If you don’t like the answer, don’t blame “God”, the devil or your ex-wife. Accept, heal or change whatever needs to happen in yourself. It’s all about you, babe.
Say thank you once done. It’s always great to acknowledge when you take time for yourself. If you need more grounding exercises, then do so.
Keep practicing!